Look Back at Sound Equipment------ Roger Squire Disco Sales
Roger Squire started out doing some disco events in the late 60's. Into the 70's this led to selling gear to other jocks. As the profits were greater Roger expanded the sales side of things, leaving the disco work to the jocks he had working for him. He also ran a school for dj's where hopefuls were instructed in the use of decent gear and how to plan out a function musically. The Equipment sales side took a huge boost as disco took hold of the nation in the 70's. There were outlets nationwide and mail order too. Much of what was available at the time was sold by Roger, as witnessed by the catalogues produced. Having direct connections to major manufacturers meant very competitive pricing, and the buying power or Roger Squires was tremendous. A selection of pages from the catalog of 1979/80 is presented here as a window in time. (You can download the entire catalog to view off-line if you wish. Use the button at bottom of page). For brief history of Rogers influence, written by Roger Himself, follow this link. Roger Squire the marketing man of disco. Follow Roger on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/squiredjhistory |
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Recently Roger contacted this web site after viewing this old catalog: here are his comments:::
Hi There Mick Totally amused and flattered that after all this time so many people still seem to have a soft spot for my pioneering work in the 70’s and 80’s building up the “early days” of the Mobile Disco biz in the UK.As you may have guessed ~ I had a real passion for helping DJ’s get onto the road to success in that era. Many did find success with my help in those early days and many are still in the disco / entertainment biz to this day having bought their first kit from my old company. Thank you to Karillon for digging up some old Squire catalogues and publishing them on the web. A guess the history of disco will get more interesting as times, technologies and fashions evolve into the future.Can I wish the very best of luck to today’s DJ’s. Have fun, be professional and always keep your audiences happy.ROGER SQUIRE It is worth remembering the pioneering work of Roger Squire and those like him, that brought professionalism and affordable gear to the struggling DJ, allowing a much better quality of service to the public and gave benefit to all involved. Read up on this man, and those like him. For brief history written by Roger Himself, follow this link. Roger Squire the marketing man of disco. |
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